Campus Initiatives

Your Union College Campus Dining Team is dedicated to sustainability. We know we can all work together to make a positive impact right here at Union College. In addition to the many initiatives we take on as a company, we have implemented the following programs specific to our campus.


The Sustainability Management and Reporting Tool (SMART) is a comprehensive, yet easy to use dashboard that provides baseline sustainability performance, prioritizes initiatives, and tracks continuous improvement in four key areas - carbon and energy, water, waste, and healthy and sustainable food and environments.


Union College Dining collects plastics, metal, paper and cardboard for recycling. 


APEX combines technology and products designed to save water and energy, minimize the impact of products on the environment, and has a built-in method of measuring results. The APEX management approach uses a tablet PC and wireless technology to communicate with the system’s controller to download, process and analyze data to establish each foodservice operation’s “rack-to-guest ratio.” By monitoring and improving this ratio, the system helps reduce the amount of water and energy used at each facility, and improve total operational efficiency.

Xprss Nap

Xprss Nap Dispensers save energy and waste.  The napkins are made of 100% recycled paper and the dispenser will encourage customers to take (and waste) fewer napkins. Energy is saved because less power is used to recycle paper products than to create them from virgin material.  Plus, our napkins are unbleached and can be collected with post - consumer waste for composting. 

Sustainable Fish & Seafood

We are committed to serving sustainable seafood and fish. Since 2015 100% of our fish and seafood is be sustainably certified by the Marine Stewardship Council or the Best Aquaculture Practices.  We do not purchase any at-risk species.

Local Suppliers

Union College Dining sources food from as many local suppliers as possible. Check out our KY and TN Local Food Suppliers